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Lessons Learn from Ramayana - Astrology Articles

Original Other than traditional Jyotish literature, Vedic Good Book include a wealth of information that may be applied inpractise. For case, in the Ramayana, when Sage Valmiki describes Shri Ram’s birth (in Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties Chapter 18). “Queen Kaushalya gave birth to a son with all the heavenly traits like lotus-red eyes, Lengthy Arms, hopeful lips, beating voice, and who took birth to please the Ikshwaku dynasty and deified by all the worlds, and who’s the wonderfully blessed epitome of Vishnu, videlicet Rama,”hecontinues.As reported by the savant, Shri Ram was born with cancerascendant. At the same time, Dr.B.V.Raman writes in his excellent book, How to Judge a Horoscope, that Cancer ascendant locals have Long Arms.

Also, we might conclude the meaning of Kuja Satmbhana (Rahu dousing Mars’ fire) by examining the conflict between Shri Laxmana (Mars, Shri Ram’s youngish family) and Meghnath (Rahu, son of Ravana), in which Meghnath employs foul and deceptive ways and oppressively injures Shri Laxmana.

Compendiums may pierce the Sanskrit textbook and meaning in English from Sage Valmiki via the following link Analysis of Lord Shri Ram Chandra’s birth map. Also, we might conclude the meaning of Kuja Satmbhana (Rahu dousing Mars’ fire) by examining the conflict between Shri Laxmana (Mars, Shri Ram’s youngish family) and Meghnath (Rahu, son of Ravana), in which Meghnath employs foul and deceptive ways and oppressively injures ShriLaxmana. When Rahu and Mars align, it’s appertained to as Kuja Satmbhana in Jyotish (Rahu extinguishes the fire or Mars and makes it veritably weak).

When Rahu and Mars align, it’s appertained to as Kuja Satmbhana in Jyotish (Rahu extinguishes the fire or Mars and makes it veritably weak). By observing the conflict between Shri Laxmana (Mars, Shri Ram’s youngish family) and Meghnath (Rahu, son of Ravana), we can see that Meghnath utilises dirty and deceitful ways to wound Shri Laxmana oppressively.

Also Shri Laxman was saved by the amazing sweats of Pavan Putra (the son of the Wind God), Shri Hanuman, who gave him sanjeevani booti ( life- saving drug) and saved hislife.After a fast recovery, Shri Laxman resumes his battle with Meghnath and ultimately kills him, rendering Ravana’s army sad.So, eventually, Mars triumphs!When the 6th Lord of Adversaries is veritably weak ( rather impaired) and the 10th Lord of Achievements and Success is exalted, this is the classical description of Jai Yoga.

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